The Incredible WhatsApp updated features
WhatsApp messenger today can be known among the top in addition to best ranking social media inside the entire world - which has over 1billion users. that will can be also regarded among the most secured social networks. WhatsApp messenger adds few features in any of their updates - the last update that will caught people's attention was the invent of video call on WhatsApp messenger.Though the video call doesn't work as people thought that will'll be "sometimes hangs while sometimes not connecting" nevertheless all these problems are by the network service you use. However the invent of WhatsApp calls in addition to video calls got everywhere shaking, most of the service providers complained about evicting such features on WhatsApp because many people don't recharge their phones again rather they'll login to their WhatsApp in addition to complete the task.

producing calls in addition to video calls with subscription (internet bundle) can be more preferable than producing calls with airtime. The reason was because you won't spend much - calculate the number of minutes you'll talk having a friend using subscription in addition to calculate the number of minutes you'll call using airtime, you'll notice that will using airtime can be more costlier than that will of subscription.Recently, WhatsApp messenger was updated in addition to there are some incredible features that will comes with. Having noticed that will in every of WhatsApp updates - their must be something fresh, sometimes that will might not be noticed in addition to sometimes that will can be noticed. This kind of was made so because of people's demands in addition to that will's the duty of WhatsApp messenger staff to provide their users with what they requested.However, adding more features on WhatsApp messenger can make that will to be heavier than that will was. nevertheless I'll guess that will the WhatsApp staff are doing what they could to see that will that will doesn't affect anyone. For me, regular updates can bring some breaks on the WhatsApp messenger app so that will suggest that will no more heavy features should be added anymore.Many people has requested for WhatsApp to add app sending features on WhatsApp nevertheless if you'll look deeply in This kind of matter you'll notice that will the reason why the request was turned down was because WhatsApp already have heavy loads in addition to including such feature will lead to break down of the app "unfortunately WhatsApp has stopped" so to make sure that will none of their users notice such thing - they decided to turn down the request. At the second thought, that will may be that will they're planning on how to do that will in such a way that will that will'll not affect anyone thereby taking some time for them to confirm that will that will can be working perfectly.Since they've tried so much in adding documents sending feature on WhatsApp messenger, what more can you demand. This kind of same feature can be used to share both large files in addition to modest files including the app sending feature which you're requesting to be added.Anyways, in no much stretch of words - let me introduce you the fresh features that will This kind of recent WhatsApp updates came with.
The fresh WhatsApp interface:
Firstly was that will the interface can be extremely different by the older updates though that will's the same colour as before. The differences there was that will another category by make "STATUS" was added on the first page of WhatsApp messenger.However, images "both gif animated images in addition to normal images" can be used as status which can only last for 24hrs "temporally". Number of views can be seen too.
Secondly was that will the CALL category has been moved by the extreme left corner of WhatsApp messenger to the extreme right corner of WhatsApp messenger.Thirdly was that will camera in addition to video recording "already owned pictures in addition to videos can be shared as well" can be done on the first page of WhatsApp messenger without going to the person you want to send that will to privately.Fourthly, more emojis/emoticons are added. The old emojis/emoticons are mobilized.

Conclusion: What more can you demand on WhatsApp messengerthat has not been provided for you. Don't think of app sharing on WhatsApp messenger because many of us have found out the trick on how to send apps, larger files etc using WhatsApp.

producing calls in addition to video calls with subscription (internet bundle) can be more preferable than producing calls with airtime. The reason was because you won't spend much - calculate the number of minutes you'll talk having a friend using subscription in addition to calculate the number of minutes you'll call using airtime, you'll notice that will using airtime can be more costlier than that will of subscription.Recently, WhatsApp messenger was updated in addition to there are some incredible features that will comes with. Having noticed that will in every of WhatsApp updates - their must be something fresh, sometimes that will might not be noticed in addition to sometimes that will can be noticed. This kind of was made so because of people's demands in addition to that will's the duty of WhatsApp messenger staff to provide their users with what they requested.However, adding more features on WhatsApp messenger can make that will to be heavier than that will was. nevertheless I'll guess that will the WhatsApp staff are doing what they could to see that will that will doesn't affect anyone. For me, regular updates can bring some breaks on the WhatsApp messenger app so that will suggest that will no more heavy features should be added anymore.Many people has requested for WhatsApp to add app sending features on WhatsApp nevertheless if you'll look deeply in This kind of matter you'll notice that will the reason why the request was turned down was because WhatsApp already have heavy loads in addition to including such feature will lead to break down of the app "unfortunately WhatsApp has stopped" so to make sure that will none of their users notice such thing - they decided to turn down the request. At the second thought, that will may be that will they're planning on how to do that will in such a way that will that will'll not affect anyone thereby taking some time for them to confirm that will that will can be working perfectly.Since they've tried so much in adding documents sending feature on WhatsApp messenger, what more can you demand. This kind of same feature can be used to share both large files in addition to modest files including the app sending feature which you're requesting to be added.Anyways, in no much stretch of words - let me introduce you the fresh features that will This kind of recent WhatsApp updates came with.
The fresh WhatsApp interface:

Secondly was that will the CALL category has been moved by the extreme left corner of WhatsApp messenger to the extreme right corner of WhatsApp messenger.Thirdly was that will camera in addition to video recording "already owned pictures in addition to videos can be shared as well" can be done on the first page of WhatsApp messenger without going to the person you want to send that will to privately.Fourthly, more emojis/emoticons are added. The old emojis/emoticons are mobilized.

Conclusion: What more can you demand on WhatsApp messengerthat has not been provided for you. Don't think of app sharing on WhatsApp messenger because many of us have found out the trick on how to send apps, larger files etc using WhatsApp.
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