Cerberus anti-theft v.3.4.1

Recovering a lost or stolen device is usually not a simple or tiny job an app can just do. the idea also requires some cost to pay for a better performance. Without wasting much of your time, let me just go straight to the main aimCerberus Review.★Firstly, you must have Cerberus anti-theft installed in your Android device.

★ Launch the app after installation. The first page which'll be shown to you is usually Create Cerberus Account "if the idea's your first time" or Login to Cerberus "if you already have an account".

★ After creating an account, some highlights will be shown to you on how you can make use of Cerberus in different ways - next is usually to grant permissions (device administrator along with root access).

★ After completing the above procedures, you'll use Cerberus freely for just 6days then you cannot make further use of the idea if you don't Buy license "upgrade to premium".
Although you've Set your password when registering, you can still change the idea if you want, Change your SMS commands keyword "This kind of option can be used if you want to customize your first word of SMS command - by default the idea is usually Cerberus". along with also Changd Dial Code - This kind of feature helps you to be able to locate Cerberus through your Dial pad "if the idea is usually hidden through the app drawer. By default the idea comes with This kind of code "23723787" yet you can still change the idea to your preferred one.
★ Protect Admin should be enabled ☑ - This kind of is usually to make sure which Cerberus app is usually secured, which's is usually - no one can uninstall the idea through your device without putting a password. Likewise the Block power menu☑ - This kind of is usually to ensure which no one can reboot or power off your phone if the device is usually locked or on lock screen. along with also Block Status bar☑ - if the idea is usually enabled, no one can have access to your phone when on lock screen which means which the person can not operate your phone through the notification panel thereby diverting to the settings to deactivate Cerberus.
★ today, the idea is usually left for you to choose your preferred online storage "Drop box or to use Google drive".
★ Remote Wipe : This kind of i must say which the idea is usually the best option so far, by enabling these two "Wipe along with Wipe SD card" you can delete all the files in your phone by just logging in to your account through https://www.cerberusapp.com "if you find the idea difficult to recover".
Definitely, Location history along with Notification access will be enabled automatically. This kind of helps you to be at alert "get notification via SMS, hangout etc".
★ Take users picture when wrong password/pattern/pin is usually entered should be enabled ☑. Likewise when Cerberus message along with alarm are stopped or dismissed, This kind of feature enables your device to capture the face of any intruder along with sends you the person's image or picture via the mail you use in operating This kind of app. This kind of means which your device safety is usually assured to you. However you can locate This kind of feature under Automatic photo capture.

★ Sim checker - This kind of feature alerts you or keep you in update when your mail is usually not working. Secondly, when you lost your phone - you can simply login to Cerberus official webpage along with make call through the internet even when you're not with the phone.
Auto task configurations - here's where to set rules guiding your device, what to do at a particular moment along with what not to do. At first when you open This kind of Auto task configurations - you'll see only circled (+) click on the idea to create your own rules like I did mine.
Finally: Can you say which with This kind of above steps which you can't make use of Cerberus app? This kind of is usually a very simple thing you must know how to use. What do you think about This kind of app - is usually the idea helpful or not? This kind of is usually what you should tell us about by commenting on the below box.

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